Products and Services
Projects that help make products and services accessible, understandable and beneficial for the users.
Weight Control Tool - Chloé Pignon / Frédéric De Rooster (Ekino)
Easy Contract (Contrato Fácil) - Kethellyn Siqueira (Villa - Visual Law Studio)
XPAND Code: Bridging the Gap Between Physical Worlds and the Internet - Nanmoku Toworu (XPAND K.K.)
Guided Tour at NEUROTH - Stefanie Schöffmann (look! design)
AWARD - Weight Control Tool - Chloé Pignon / Frédéric De Rooster (Ekino)
AWARD - Easy Contract (Contrato Fácil) - Kethellyn Siqueira (Villa - Visual Law Studio)
AWARD - XPAND Code: Bridging the Gap Between Physical Worlds and the Internet - Nanmoku Toworu (XPAND K.K.)
RECOMMENDATION - Guided Tour at NEUROTH - Stefanie Schöffmann (look! design)