Climate Change
Focused on the relevance of ecological issues and impact on natural resources as well as “green” design practices for information design.
Bioprinter. Data Expierence Design - Sigitas Gužauskas
Future Ahoy! An Infographic Novel about Sustainable Transport - Ellery Studio
Guide to Mini-Laboratories (EDU-Magazine) - Sigrun Gudbrandsdottir
Microsite “Werte Umwelt” - Sapera Studios GmbH
Social advertising for birdwatching “How does the bird say?” - Yuliya Chvyrova / Oleg Davydchik (kreaton team)
Umwelterklärung 2022 des Abwasserverbandes Zirl und Umgebung - Markus Scheiber / Jeler Tina
GRAND PRIX - Bioprinter. Data Expierence Design - Sigitas Gužauskas
DISTINCTION - Future Ahoy! An Infographic Novel about Sustainable Transport – Ellery Studio
AWARD - Guide to Mini-Laboratories (EDU-Magazine) - Sigrun Gudbrandsdottir
AWARD - Microsite “Werte Umwelt” - Sapera Studios GmbH
AWARD - Social advertising for birdwatching “How does the bird say?” - Yuliya Chvyrova / Oleg Davydchik (kreaton team)
RECOMMENDATION - Umwelterklärung 2022 des Abwasserverbandes Zirl und Umgebung - Markus Scheiber / Jeler Tina